Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cherry Blossoms!

Hey everyone,
A while ago, I took a few pictures of some cherry blossoms. (By "a while ago", I mean like around 3 months ago) :P Did I ever mention that I love photography? I always have photoshoots with my friends when it's nice outside. (I'm always the photographer) Anyways, here are some pictures I took of cherry blossoms! :)

Hope you enjoyed! :)


Nail Polish Review!

Hey guys!
Nail polish has never been something I wore a lot... in fact... I never really wear nail polish at all! I own less than 10 nail polishes in my whole collection! Whenever I go shopping, nail polish is never something that I feel the need to buy... unlike makeup and clothes. :P However, I somehow felt the need to review some of the nail polishes that I do own.

A little while ago, I did a review on my favourite nail polish in my collection right now, Ardene's nail polish in Navy girl. This time, I'll be reviewing another Ardene nail polish, in Rockin' Purple!

I got this from my friend as a gift last Christmas. It's a beautiful shimmery purple colour. From the bottle it looks like it has a little bit of blue in it, but it doesn't translate onto your nails. I really like Ardene nail polishes. The drying time of this nail polish is average... pretty good. The lasting power is also average. This nail polish is a little more sheer than the other Ardene nail polish that I reviewed, Navy Girl. This takes a couple more coats to achieve the bottle colour. I don't know how much this costs... but I'm guessing it isn't over $5. Overall, I recommend any Ardene nail polishes! Gorgeous and inexpensive! :)

Review: NYC Liquid Lip Shine

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since I did a blog post... I've been busy. :)
But this post is going to be about the NYC Liquid Lip Shine Lip Glosses. I bought this a while ago...but I never got a chance to review it yet. I'm not really sure which colour I have... that's one thing I really hate about a lot of drugstore products. The shade name is on the plastic wrap around the product, and when you take the plastic wrapping off... you have no idea what shade the lip gloss is in. :( Anyways here are some pics!

(The first 2 pics were taken in direct sunlight, and the last 2 had flash)

The colour is kind of... magenta... with gold shimmer? :P It costs around $3 or so at drugstores. Really inexpensive! The smell is alright... but not great... I'm not the biggest fan of it.. but it's definitely bearable. I don't know how much product it comes with, but it's a decent size tube. This lip gloss is extremely opaque, it has great colour payoff! It's probably one of the more opaque glosses that I own. The texture is not sticky at all, and it's quite comfortable on your lips. Overall, for the price of this lipgloss, it's definitely not bad... :)


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nail Polish of the Moment!

Hey guys!!
I'm back with another blog post! I'm sorry I wasn't blogging very often in the last month. Anyways, today's blog post will be about my favorite nail polish of the moment. I don't wear nail polish very often... if ever... I kind of go through phases of really loving nail polish... but most of the time, I really don't wear anything on my nails. Anyways, I won't be doing nail polish posts very often... but I'll try. :P

My favorite nail polish right now is a nail polish that I got la
st Christmas from one of my best friends. :) It's a gorgeous navy blue with shimmers! GORG!
This nail polish is from Ardene's and it's called "Navy Girl". It has a really nice consistency and it actually stays on for a really long time. It doesn't chip very easily, and it drys pretty quickly too. I don't know how much it was, since I didn't buy it... but i know that it's not more than $5. I'm VERY impressed with this nail polish, and every time I feel like wearing nail polish, this is definitely the first one I reach for! Good job Ardene!
