Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nail Polish of the Moment!

Hey guys!!
I'm back with another blog post! I'm sorry I wasn't blogging very often in the last month. Anyways, today's blog post will be about my favorite nail polish of the moment. I don't wear nail polish very often... if ever... I kind of go through phases of really loving nail polish... but most of the time, I really don't wear anything on my nails. Anyways, I won't be doing nail polish posts very often... but I'll try. :P

My favorite nail polish right now is a nail polish that I got la
st Christmas from one of my best friends. :) It's a gorgeous navy blue with shimmers! GORG!
This nail polish is from Ardene's and it's called "Navy Girl". It has a really nice consistency and it actually stays on for a really long time. It doesn't chip very easily, and it drys pretty quickly too. I don't know how much it was, since I didn't buy it... but i know that it's not more than $5. I'm VERY impressed with this nail polish, and every time I feel like wearing nail polish, this is definitely the first one I reach for! Good job Ardene!


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